
Showing posts from March, 2022

Human Resource Manager, “A Messenger of organizational Mission”

  Human Resource   Manager,   “A   Messenger  of   organizational   Mission ” Organizations seek to collect goals under a single topic, which could include a variety of purposes such as why the organization exists, its mission, and its operations. It establishes the company's culture, values, ethics, and agenda. A mission statement for an organization can be a declaration that encompasses all parts of the company. Examples : (Fond, 2020) JetBlue    -  " To Inspire Humanity - Both in the air and on the ground."   Tesla        -  "To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy." PayPal    -  "   To build the web's most convenient, secure, cost effective-payment solution."     Figure 1 : (Corporate Finance Institute, 2015) Management principles or action plans should be applied as a set of goals and aspects of the organization under its mission statement. The achievement of the mission statement aims will be determined by management or

Human Resource Management and What should Business Owners Know

Human Resource Management and What should Business Owners Know People with various viewpoints and visions will exist within a firm. Human Resource Management refers to formal processes for planning and managing personnel within a business (HRM). Recruiting, hiring, deploying, and managing an organization's employees are common definitions, as are designing, executing, and overseeing policies, governing workers, and the organization's relationship with its employees. Staffing, employee salary and benefits, and identifying and designing labor are among the topics covered.   Figure 1 :Human Resources   Employees, along with other business assets, are the focus of Human Resource Management. Human resource management aims to increase productivity by improving employee efficiency. The importance of HRM has recently been recognized as the avenue to confirm an organization's progress. As a result, small firms could benefit from this   (Chai; Sutner;, 2017). Organizations,

HR Managers Rethink Their Role

  HR Managers Rethink Their Role Organizations have been disturbed by the coronavirus pandemic, prompting human resource managers to reevaluate their roles in light of social distancing techniques and a new work environment that they may not have anticipated   (Rathnayake & Udaya, 2020). Figure 1 :Social distance practices Businesses have changed to a far-flung work model on a never-before-seen scale to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Face-to-face communication is being supplanted by e-mail and videoconferencing, forcing HR managers to execute challenging duties under difficult conditions  (Achurch Consulting, 2021). Figure 2 :Remote work model   HR professionals are worried not just about their employees' health and well-being during the epidemic, but also about processing paperwork and providing comfort to the numerous laid-off or furloughed staff. HR managers strive to keep their people productive, motivated, engaged, and connected in the