Human Resource Manager, “A Messenger of organizational Mission”

 Human Resource
 “A Messenger of 
organizational Mission

Organizations seek to collect goals under a single topic, which could include a variety of purposes such as why the organization exists, its mission, and its operations. It establishes the company's culture, values, ethics, and agenda. A mission statement for an organization can be a declaration that encompasses all parts of the company.

Examples : (Fond, 2020)
JetBlue    - " To Inspire Humanity - Both in the air and on the ground."  
Tesla        - "To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy."
PayPal    -  To build the web's most convenient, secure, cost effective-payment solution."   

Figure 1 : (Corporate Finance Institute, 2015)

Management principles or action plans should be applied as a set of goals and aspects of the organization under its mission statement. The achievement of the mission statement aims will be determined by management or action planning concepts. The principles of management serve as the platform for the message or aims of the mission statement.

Figure 2:(Toolshiro, 2013)

The set of management functions is formatted and administered by the organization's core workers or human resources while creating management principles.

Example:  Division of work: Specialized efficient skillful workers

If an organization's core staff isn't there, management duties will be rendered useless. The efficiency and efficacy of core personnel determine the management roles' functionality. The core workforce is responsible for connecting corporate goals with managerial activities. The lack of core staff would not affect the connection between organizational goals and management functions. The HR manager's job is to act as a liaison between these two platforms.

Figure 3:Roles of HRM 

HR managers' tasks and responsibilities are formed through the organization's core workers, who are referred to as the organization's human resources or human capital. The success of the management functions that come from the organization's mission statement determines the platform's output.

Figure 4:(Boudreau & Hopp, 2003)


The HR Manager is the focal point when it comes to these functions, positions, responsibilities, and platforms. As a result, the HR manager communicates and distributes to the organization's human capital the elements and goals mentioned in the mission statement. Regardless of how difficult or complex the jobs are, the HR manager will create and construct them to archive the organization's objectives. The HR manager also communicates the mission statement's message to the employees. He's also more than a communicator; he's the message's architecture, directing human resources toward the mission statement's corporate goals.


Boudreau & Hopp, 2003. Researchgate. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 29 March 2022].

Corporate Finance Institute, 2015 . CFI. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2022].

Dezven, 2021. Dezven Group::Don't Think,Just Do It.!. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2022].

Fond, 2020. Best Mission Statements: 12 Examples You Need to See. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2022].

Toolshiro, 2013. 14 Principles of Management (Fayol). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2022].


  1. HR Manger can disturb as a kind of bridge they employees can connect to the organizational objectives.
    As per my experience most of the companies not utilize properly this position to get works done. We can see some of the companies who achieved their goals definitely by using proper HR practices

  2. HR manager is the key person who link the organizational objectives and its employees. The proper coordination of both can enhance the overall performance as well as the image of the company. Good Luck

  3. HRM is a key player in organization . He can bring the company mission to employee. Good article

  4. HRM is the best person to bring the company mission to employee. Good topic. Explained well


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