HR Managers Rethink Their Role


HR Managers Rethink Their Role

Organizations have been disturbed by the coronavirus pandemic, prompting human resource managers to reevaluate their roles in light of social distancing techniques and a new work environment that they may not have anticipated (Rathnayake & Udaya, 2020).

Figure 1:Social distance practices

Businesses have changed to a far-flung work model on a never-before-seen scale to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Face-to-face communication is being supplanted by e-mail and videoconferencing, forcing HR managers to execute challenging duties under difficult conditions (Achurch Consulting, 2021).

Figure 2:Remote work model


HR professionals are worried not just about their employees' health and well-being during the epidemic, but also about processing paperwork and providing comfort to the numerous laid-off or furloughed staff. HR managers strive to keep their people productive, motivated, engaged, and connected in the new normal, all of which are moving targets (Editorial Team, 2020).


Figure 3:New normal



Almost every company in the state and around the world now permits 90% of its employees to work from home. The companies swiftly adjusted their remote-work policies to provide employees with varied work hours and a level of freedom that they had never previously provided.

Employees, particularly the CEO, had to reconsider the company's health-care strategy. As a result, instead of focusing on quality duty of care, the companies engaged in more forward-thinking initiatives (iEduNote, 2022).


Figure 4:Approaches Of HRM

The groups made arrangements with doctors in the cities where the employees live to ensure that a doctor is available to provide care as soon as possible and to advocate for them if they become unwell and need to go to the hospital. COVID-19 testing and treatment costs are reimbursed to employees and their families. The business continuity plans have also been revised to include scenarios such as the potential absence of individuals with specific competences and skills.

This isn't like typical HR hiring situations, when we all know what the attrition rate or percentage will be based on past trends.



Remote Work as a Full-Time Job


Virtual labor was on the rise even before the coronavirus pushed remote work to its limits. Organizations want more of their onsite employees to continue working remotely after the pandemic has gone, according to surveys. HR issues will arise as a result of this move (Suen, et al., 2017).

Figure 5:v-HRM facilitators

After the coronavirus has passed, we'll see more people working remotely, which means that the abilities that were developed during this time may still be needed. Building relationships is one of the assets of all HR professionals, and I believe the problem is finding a method to continue to build those ties as the nature of labor and the HR function changes. Employees often engage into this type of job after companies instruct them on how to be productive while working from home. "That hasn't happened in this community."(empxtrack, 2021).

Figure 6:HR trends



Achurch Consulting, 2021. Achurch Consulting. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed March 2020].

Consulting, Achurch, 2021. Achurch Consulting. [Online]
[Accessed March 2022].

Editorial Team, 2020. HR Exchange. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed March 2022].

empxtrack, 2021. empxtrack. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 March 2022].

iEduNote, 2022. iEduNote. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 March 2022].

Rathnayake, Udaya, 2020. DailyFT. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed March 2022].

Suen, Hung Yue; Chang, Hsin Lu;, 2017. MDPI. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 March 2022].




  1. You have listed the references but no citation in the main text. Whatever you list as reference should be cited in the main text at the appropriate place. In other words, only the cited references should be listed as references.

    1. Thank you very much professor for your valuable instruction and I'll make the changes accordingly

  2. Come a cross with all the details can get clear idea and understand about the HRM role in a pandemic situation... great job ..all the best👍

  3. Considering all conners of the article. Understood that HRM having wide range to play. Great 👍

  4. Hi Asiri,
    The article was so informative on Virtual Human resource management, which I think is a timely topic as we are facing this pandemic. I'm interested to know in this new Virtual HR role, what are the key characteristics an HR manager should possess to succeed? How much will it differ from a traditional HR Manager?

    1. Mr.Mafaz

      Thank you very much for your insightful comments, and the new Virtual HR role is being driven by

      01. computer-simulated environments

      02. Virtual self-presentations that are completely customized

      03. dynamic consultations, meetings, workshops, and classes environment

      04. Interactions with participants a larger audience, and to use this collaborative
      environment for marketing, meetings, and other purposes.
      On a global scale, communication, training, and collateral events are held both online
      and in person. Scale

      In these areas, Virtual HR will differ from traditional HR in terms of its Functions.

      01. Corporate Universities and Training Facilities

      02. Job Fairs and Job Placement Centers

      03. Orientation and Onboarding

      04. Team Development

    2. Interesting. Thank you, Asiri

  5. Considering this article we can understood the HRM Role in a Organization. All the very best.

  6. In this post, all of the details may gain a good notion and understanding of the HRM responsibilities, which I believe is a topical issue as we face this epidemic.

  7. Very good essay. You clearly mentioned how change the working affect the pandemic and HR roles. All the very best 👍

  8. On point. Moving on to the Virtual HRM and remote works, I personally feel that Work from home’s effectiveness will reduce over the time when people start to do on a full time basis. And at that instance, the VHRM will have to play a major role to innovate new set of things to engage employee virtually. What’s your say on this?

  9. How the current global pandemic affect for changes in organizational activities and how that changes impact in human resource management is well illustrated.

  10. Good current topic & well explained. We have to re-look at on the productivity of working remotely which we had enough & more experiences recent pass or need to implement proper monitory mechanism on the same. All the best !!!

  11. I believe HR managers normal job routes change & added lot of responsibilities & duties.So you explained wide range to re think again.

  12. The document presented by you provided an opportunity to absorb new knowledge. I do not know about VHRM and I read that document very willingly .I know that many of us in the group think so too. But since there are not enough facts about it here, I intend to learn more about this.Thanks👍

    1. Kumdu, thank you so much. and this is only an overview of the facts; I'll expand on it later.

  13. Hi, You have given a good start to anyone studying HRM roles in an organization. You are well-negotiated under the current situation. All the best!

  14. You have clearly explained the role of HRM in pandemic situation and how it has evolved.
    All the best!!

  15. Most of Companies are using the same HR policies which have been using before the pandemic. However as you discussed the policies and procedures should change in order to adapt new situation which leads to establish successful employer employee relationship. Well explained..Good luck..

  16. Well explained how HR managers perform various difficult tasks in difficult conditions in present pendemic situations with new experience. Understood how HR organizational role and responsibilities in this new pendemic time better than past traditional HRM role. Good luck.

  17. Well explained about the HR Managers role in an Organization which really needs for the country. Also you have well explain about remote work in the whole world. All in all we can understand how to work in the Organization in a Pandemic situation. I appreciate for taking a timely topic.

  18. Excellent essay. You clearly stated how changes in working conditions have an impact on the workforce and HR jobs. 

  19. You have well explained how this pandemic has impacted to HRM & how an organization get prepared for the uncertainty & accept challenges

  20. i understood, the HR theories is how valued for working world with your article. thanks.

    Dimunge Wasantha


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