Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory on Internal Recruitment

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory on Internal Recruitment

       Today in the economic world, each and all people are deriving their expectations to accomplish a much better life in a challenging environment with various challenges. A social system that encompasses all formal human connections and refers to a group of people that are involved in achieving stated goals can be referred to as an organization. People with different perspectives work together in an organization, and the contribution of HRM is coming into practice with its variation to match with the organizational goals and to archive those goals effectively with the development of both the organization and its employees..

        The HR manager plays a vital role in the organization as a main function of human resource management, which involves the collaboration of many talents. A talent acquisition strategy focuses on discovering, recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining outstanding talent within an organization. Recruitment teams can be huge or tiny, depending on the size of a company. Internal staffing or "internal recruitment" is a type of recruitment in which a corporation attempts to fill positions with current employees by seeking talent from different teams, departments, and job functions within the company. This strategy, often known as "enables" teams to fill talent shortages in a proactive manner. As talent shortages are projected to persist, HR departments are focusing on this critical sector.

Internal recruitment has a number of advantages, including shorter onboarding times, lower costs, stronger employee engagement, increased company culture and morale, increased diversity and inclusion, and career pathing..

Example: According to Linkedin's 2022 global talent trends, over 70% of companies are now focusing on "internal recruiting." When compared to external recruitment, this technique has a faster hiring procedure and a faster time-to-productivity. Internal recruitment has major advantages, according to the same report.  (TalentGuard, 2022)

               Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory can be used as a foundation for constructing an internal recruitment strategy. Internal talent recruitment can be done in a variety of ways. Each sort of internal recruitment covers a certain void in which you may require more or fresh skills. When it comes to finding the correct talent, the characteristics of Kolb's learning styles are an explicit critique of the highly theoretical approach to talent identification that can be used..


Characteristics of Kolb's learning styles


Figure 1:Charecteristic of Kolb's learning style (Healey & Jenkins, 2000)

    As described in Kolb's learning styles, HR managers can identify and diversify employees' talents and abilities based on past experience and performance, which can then be categorized and diversified based on the employee's job titles.


Figure 2:Job title grouping (Healey & Jenkins, 2000)

Employees of an organization have different preferences for doing and watching. (Fielding 1994). When the two axes are plotted at right angles, they produce four distinct clusters that can be used to describe the preferred characteristics of employees (Figure 2) as well as to identify employee groupings under the job titles as categorized in (Figure 2).



Internal recruiting is a simple idea at its core: it entails identifying applicants and placing them in jobs to be filled. Effective internal recruiting, on the other hand, integrates a more advanced and diverse framework with Kolb's learning styles. On the one hand, it necessitates the use of repeatable processes that yield consistent outcomes. And thinking outside the box to identify an ideal individual demands intelligence.


Fielding, 1994. Valuing difference in teachers and learners: Building on Kolb’s learning styles to develop a language of teaching and learning. The Curriculum Journal 5:393417.

Healey & Jenkins, 2000. Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory and Its Application in Geography in Higher Education. Journal of Geography, pp. 185-195.

TalentGuard, 2022. TalentGuard. [Online]
Available at: https://www.talentguard.com/blog/internal-recruitment-what-is-it-and-how-do-you-enable-it-in-your-organization
[Accessed 19 April 2022].



  1. This article explains an important concept of internal recruitment. HR plays a vital role in selecting the best person for the job role. You have used Kolbs Theory as a tool to analyse the internal recruitment function. Good article. All the Best Asiri!

  2. Kolb's learning cycle incorporates active engagement that guides learners through the experiential learning cycle, rather than giving a lecture-style kind of teaching. Good topic for further reading. Thanks Asiri.

  3. Hi, Discovering, hiring, developing, and retaining can be seen as key elements in an organization's recruitment process. Recruiting the right people for an organization is a must. It's great for the growth of the organization. You have explained the importance of the Internal Recruitment process and how to maintain it properly. All the best!

  4. Organization recruitment process clearly explained . Good article .


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