The Fundamental Essentiality of Workforce Planning in Human Resource Management


The Fundamental Essentiality of Workforce Planning in Human Resource Management


                Because of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, many organizations are worried about their future. As a result of the financial situation's uncertainty, the strategic long-term planning process for all sizes of businesses becomes precarious.

                Whether or not finances are stressed and the future course is uncertain, strategic workforce planning is the most practical technique for minimizing the damage. The majority of the organization's business models will stay intact as it recovers from the epidemic and the war, and HR managers must identify where and how the impact will alter the firm's people and skill requirements. This trend is being driven by the growing profession of Strategic HR Management, often known as Strategic Workforce Planning (Buyens & De Vos, 2001).

                HR experts must better manage things under the stress of monetary uncertainty to guarantee that organizational aspects are in line with the situation. Within the constraints, there are a few choices for enrolling.

01.Redeployee Employees

                Employee repurposing is a common method for reducing the financial impact of necessary staff changes and ensuring that businesses have enough talent in the right places to keep the business moving forward. Several prominent corporations have made staff redeployment a normal task.

Figure 1:Redeployee Employees Process (Hajnic & Boshkoska, 2021)

02.Reskill and Upskill Employees

                Employee reskilling and upskilling could be a long-term plan that allows employees to excel in their particular roles as well as in the company as a whole. It's not just practical for workforce planning; it's also a matter of survival. It involves mapping the talents of present employees, defining the skills needed for the future workforce, and bridging the gaps between the two.

Figure 2:Reskill and Upskill Process (Wahab, et al., 2021)


03. Scenario Planning 

                In light of the unpredictability of the circumstances, businesses must be adaptable. Scenario planning will be employed as a flat form to increase workforce planning, which HR managers may find challenging. There are a variety of scenario planning strategies, all of which can be used as contingency plans that can be implemented quickly if the scenarios occur. Following this aspect of labor planning allows a company to be as prepared as possible for unexpected circumstances.

Figure 3:Scenario Planning Process (Peterson, et al., 2003)


04. Communicate with Employees

               Employees will be anxious about their job security if the company is in a precarious position, prompting them to look for more secure alternatives. When a situation like this happens, the company will face a talent shortage. That is why it is critical for a firm to maintain constant communication in order to retain its employees.

05. People Analytics

               Individual importance When an organization's financial health is in peril, analytics is important. To reduce risk, every decision must be backed up with data analysis.


               As a result, workforce planning has emerged as a vital component of HR, necessitating a reconsideration of HR management principles in order to ensure the organization's long-term viability. It's meaningless to make critical decisions with serious implications when an organization's standing is unpredictable. At this point, human resource management becomes critical in workforce planning.




ens & De Vos, 2001. Adding value through integration and involvement:a qualitative study about management's perception of the added value of the HR function. s.l.:Vlerick Business School.

Hajnic & Boshkoska, 2021. A Disruptive Decision Support Platform for Reengineering the Strategic Transfer of Employees. s.l.:IEEE ACCESS.

Peterson, Cumming & Carpenter, 2003. Scenario Planning: a Tool for Conservation in an Uncertain World. s.l.:Conservation Biology.





  1. Strategies woworkforce planing to the organization function direct impact. You clearly mentioned. Good article .

  2. When an organization's financial health is in peril, the significance of people analytics becomes important. Every decision must be based on data analysis in order to decrease risk. best regards

  3. Leaders of the organization must ensure that they have talented, experienced people to carry out job assignments efficiently, which should be a simple process if effective workforce planning techniques are in place. Planning helps to gain an understanding of your workforce, future needs, and how to fill skill and process gaps. good one

  4. Hello, It is very important to plan and deploy the workforce in an organization. It is needed to increase the performance of an organization. You have explained the importance of Workforce Planning and how to do it right. All the best!


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