The Employee Life Cycle's Six Stages

The Employee Life Cycle's Six Stages

Employees are frequently regarded as the company's most significant asset. The longevity and success of a business are determined by the proper design and motivation of employee experience. Employee engagement, in turn, could be a key factor in a company's success. The employee life cycle model could serve as a foundation for customizing each employee's experience at work.


What is the Employee Life Cycle Model, and how does it work?

The employee life cycle model describes how employees feel throughout their time with the company. "A practical model that incorporates a variety of strategic and tactical considerations required to more fully address core business issues and their effects on all three elements of company success: customers, organizations, and their employees (or what we call the Triple Win)," (Thompsen, 2009).

Figure 1:Employee Life Cycle (Courtney, 2022)


Employee Life Cycle Strategy's Importance

Leading businesses understand the importance of employee engagement and the impact it can have on productivity, morale, and overall business results. Employees that are engaged feel a connection to the company and believe their work is significant, according to various studies. As a result, they put in more effort. Engaged employees are more likely to push the company forward, have lower absenteeism and turnover rates, and contribute to the company's goals.

The six stages of Employee Life cycle


Regardless of how good the company's line of business is at the start of the employee life cycle, it will fail due to a lack of skilled people acquisition and retention. A variety of critical elements determine a company's attraction success.

Ø Raise Brand awareness

Ø Be known to have a great culture

Ø Offer attractive benefits and compensation

Figure 2:Attraction Process ((Kumar, 2019)



This is when a company searches for the best employees. As a result of current vacancies and the expansion of the organizational structure, there will be a requirement for recruiting. In order to attract the proper people for the organization, there are various critical principles to implement throughout the recruitment stage.

Ø Taking reference within the organization

Ø Using different recruitment platforms

Ø Identifying organizational requirements for recruitment


Figure 3:recruitment Process (Kumar, 2019)


After being employed, new employees must quickly and effortlessly acclimatize to the organizational environment and performance characteristics of their new job. To elicit long-term contributions and engagement, make new hires feel at ease inside the team and well-versed on the nature of their work as well as the organization. When it comes to a flawless onboarding process, there are a few factors to consider.

Ø Proper Job description

Ø Vision and values

Ø Organizational goals

Ø Regulation follow-ups


Figure 4:Onboard Process (Abbas, et al., 2018)


The emphasis at this time is on encouraging employees' professional development and skill development in order to ensure a better future career path with the organization. The success of this stage hinges on

Ø External Learning

Ø Access knowledge and skill together

Ø Responsible of own development

Ø Rewords


Figure 5:Employee Development(Hameed & Waheed , 2011)



If enterprises need to achieve their goals with competent and experienced people, employee retention may be a key concern at the event stage. If the company's culture is bad, there will be more personnel turnover. There are various facts to consider in order to avoid the problem.


Ø Hirer the right talent

Ø Establish proper relationship within team members

Ø Openly communicate organizational mission and team aspirations

Ø Measure team moral and take employee feedback

Ø Motivation style

Figure 6:Employee Retention (Kundu & Lata, 2014)



Employee separation is the final stage of a person's career. New recruiting, retirement, or personal reasons might all lead to separation. If the separation procedure is treated in the same way as the onboarding procedure, it will have a negative impact on other members. When employees depart the organization, HRM is responsible for preventing interruptions. to lessen the disruption's effects.

Ø Proper exit interview

Ø Remain positive to attract new talent

Ø Feedback

Ø Motivation on remain team



In today's market, where the economy is based on employee innovation, learning, and knowledge, competent and devoted human resources are a crucial source of competitive advantage for any company. Setting a goal to reach their best at each phase increases the likelihood of attracting and retaining a successful team.


Abbas, Ismail, Haron & Hariri, 2018. Enterprise Integration of Employee Onboarding Process Using Zachman Framework. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, pp. 47-51.

Courtney, 2022. CCI Consulting. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 May 2022].

Hameed & Waheed , 2011. Employee Development and Its Affect on Employee Performance A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Business and Social Science, July, 2(13), pp. 225-229.

Kumar, 2019. A study on Employee Life Cycle Management in Turtlebow Consulting, s.l.: New Horizon College of Engineering.

Kundu & Lata, 2014. Effects of supportive work environment on employee retention. International Journal of Organizational Analysisn: mediating role of organizational engagement, pp. 1-323.

Thompsen, 2009. Human Capital Management of the Employee Lifecycle. 1 ed. London: Taylor & Francis Group .



  1. Development, according to your blog, is a crucial aspect. At this time, the focus is on promoting professional growth and skill development among employees in order to provide a better future career path with the organization. You did an excellent job.

  2. Hi, As you show here the Employee Life Cycle Model is the employees feel at each step of their employment with the organization. You have well explained its importance and functionality. All the best!

  3. Good article. You explained well of employee life cycle.

  4. The employee lifecycle is critical for company's training and development. The employee lifecycle can be used as a guide to ensure that training includes the areas that will help your employees grow into valued assets.
    An employee lifecycle diagrams are the best way to ensuring that the employees are as successful, confident, and efficient as possible in their roles, and eventually improving company's bottom line. Isn't it ?


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