
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Fundamental Essentiality of Workforce Planning in Human Resource Management

  The Fundamental Essentiality of Workforce Planning in Human Resource Management                       Because of the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, many organizations are worried about their future. As a result of the financial situation's uncertainty, the strategic long-term planning process for all sizes of businesses becomes precarious.                     Whether or not finances are stressed and the future course is uncertain, strategic workforce planning is the most practical technique for minimizing the damage. The majority of the organization's business models will stay intact as it recovers from the epidemic and the war, and HR managers must identify where and how the impact will alter the firm's people and skill requirements. This trend is being driven by the growing profession of Strategic HR Management, often known as Strategic Workforce Planning   (Buyens & De Vos, 2001) .                     HR experts must better manage things under

Does Trade unions of government sector hassle Learning organization concept in Sri Lanka

    Does Trade unions of government sector hassle Learning organization concept in Sri Lanka Overview                     Concerns about organizational culture, management and administrative challenges, problems with working conditions, employee demands, and political needs are all grounds for trade union activity. Many working hours could be lost as a result of these fraternity acts, thus impacting the effectiveness of the business. In most cases, trade unions represent employees in industrial relations. What is trade Union Employees have less bargaining power than employers when it comes to employment contracts. Employees form trade unions and present their demands to management as a collective. As a result, employees' power is increased through trade unions. Various definitions exist for trade unions. Trade unions are non-profit organizations formed by employees or employers to advocate and protect their interests through collective bargaining   (Aswathappa, 2005).   Concep

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory on Internal Recruitment

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory on Internal Recruitment          Today in the economic world, each and all people are deriving their expectations to accomplish a much better life in a challenging environment with various challenges. A social system that encompasses all formal human connections and refers to a group of people that are involved in achieving stated goals can be referred to as an organization. People with different perspectives work together in an organization, and the contribution of HRM is coming into practice with its variation to match with the organizational goals and to archive those goals effectively with the development of both the organization and its employees. .          The HR manager plays a vital role in the organization as a main function of human resource management, which involves the collaboration of many talents. A talent acquisition strategy focuses on discovering, recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining outstanding talent within an organ

Employer Brand and Return of Investment

  Employer Brand and Return of Investment           This blog examines the current state of employer branding and return on investment in a large firm that was developed over a decade in the marketing area and has logically evolved into a component of human resource management. The employer brand, organizational image, organizational identity, and the link between the employer brand and return on investment were all examined in depth. As new trends emerge, how the world's finest companies plan to build strong employer brands and recruit top people in developed markets is being uncovered and well as how these businesses appeal to patients from all walks of life, regardless of their varied backgrounds, nationalities, or tastes. Because developing market countries are growing at much quicker rates than developed market economies, now is frequently the best moment to invest in building a strong employer brand and tapping into the talent pool. Companies who are proactive

Talent Management and Organizational Performances

Talent Management and Organizational Performances           Most businesses encounter significant talent management challenges. Due to a scarcity of talent, businesses all over the world compete for the same pool of people in order to keep their operations running and continue to grow in terms of service and profitability. For the organization's competitive advantage, talent is an instinctive trait possessed by a small number of persons with the capacity to have a significant impact on current and future company performance, and it is the appreciation of a personality's competence that must be discovered. In today's competitive business world, successful businesses have learnt that their ability to attract, develop, and retain the right talent is critical to their success. Anticipate and plan ahead to achieve the organization's objectives respond to talent shortages in a proactive manner   (Pablos , 2004).           A set of methods and procedures for enhancing product

Human Resource Management with Human- Robots Collaboration

Human Resource Management with Human- Robots Collaboration   One of the most important influencing factors in any industry is technology. Robots have been displacing employees in manufacturing since the 19th century. Workforce was displaced by machines in the third revolution, which began in the 1970s with the introduction of personal computers and the internet into the workplace. Digital technologies such as machine language and artificial intelligence are now being integrated into day-to-day workplace operations, resulting in corporate transformation. In HRM it is a new challenge to adapt to this cooperate transformation and need to update with new concepts such as Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is defined as,  “an ideal intelligent” machine that is flexible agent that perceives its environment and takes actions maximize its chance of success at some goal.”  (Yawalkar, 2019).  Artificial intelligence, in contrast to natural intelligence displayed by humans, is intel